Sunday, May 27, 2012

Friday Night Date Night

Date night, part one:  As promised, I'll tell you all about my hot date on Friday night--trust me, she was a woman after my own heart.  Anton set us up, and I must say he has amazing taste in women.  Not such good taste in restaurants though...lobster and pasta is not my speed.  Let's be honest--a lobster is just a giant cockroach, and who would eat a cockroach.  Their brains are so small....  Fortunately, she was not impressed with the options either, so we headed back to my place for something more satisfying, if you know what I mean. 

After dinner, we went to the movies--I have never been to a theater without either Anton or the crew from the documentary, but I think we did okay.  She was a bit full, but I wanted to sample some popcorn...Anton says I need to explore some non-protein options for dining, and anything beats carrots.  I didn't have extra money (come on--I'm a starving artist), so I offered to work the counter in exchange for some free snacks.  It didn't go too well--for the theater, that is.  Nobody came to my line, and quickly the lobby cleared.  Thankfully, I was still able to get my munch on.  Not too bad considering no people or animals were harmed! 

We saw Men in Black III--funny, but who believes this stuff?  Like there are really aliens running about.  Totally unbelievable.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Appalling Publicist

So apparently I have a publicist.  Whatever that means.  I'm pretty sure she is more interested in promoting this documentary than my art, but she insists that one will lead to the other.  Hopefully it leads that way soon, or I'm going after her cats.  At any rate, she insists that I blog more often--I thought she was supposed to be working for me. 

Anton, on the other hand, is doing a fabulous job.  We may actually be looking at my big break--okay, my second big break.  I don't need to remind those of you who've seen the Zombie Bohemia how the first gallery event turned out.  Anyway, now that Anton's back from his, let's say, "vacation," he has set up a meeting for me this Saturday, where I can actually sell some of my art. 

I suppose I'm also looking forward to Friday night--in an effort to make me more "universally appealing instead of universally appalling" (which by the way is a direct quote from my publicist) I am going to start engaging in more "socially acceptable" activities, like dating.  Anton has set me up with "the perfect date," and we are headed to the movies Friday night.  Stay tuned for an update on the date, the art, and the fate of the cats.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today's visit to the Blood Bank

So I went down to the blood bank today to open an account. Just trust me on this one, don't go in looking to buy, they aren't selling. That made me ask myself, what kind of a bank is that? Deposits without a withdrawal? Seriously weird.

Anyway I have heard from those guys doing the documentary stuff about me. They say they have big news. Thats all I know so far. Its strange having cameras following me around but is does get my artwork out there. Speaking of that, is anybody interested in buying one of my works?

Maybe later this afternoon I will head on down to the park to find some new friends. You never know, maybe this time people wont scream and run.